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Aisha's Wish Come True Transformation

Aisha's Wish Come True Transformation

Aisha's Wish Come True Transformation is a well-known cosmetics game. In today's game, you'll meet the lovely Aisha, a girl whose wishes are granted. Whatever Aisha wants will always be granted.

Aisha desires flawless skin and fashionable makeup. You must go through various steps to obtain such an accomplishment. To begin, prepare masks to restore the skin's natural equilibrium. To accomplish this, use all of the cream jars to apply masks to your face and prepare it for makeup application. Then you'll need to put on makeup, foundation, and other accessories. Make use of lovely eye shadow, mascara, blush, highlighter, and lipstick. It turned out to be pretty lovely makeup. You must choose a dress, accessories, and hairstyle to complete the look. Another of Aisha's wishes was granted: she now has a lovely new look and stunning makeup!

How To Play

Use the mouse.

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